Friday, June 5, 2009

Visit me at WAMP this Sunday!

When? Sunday June 7
Where? Erzsébet square (Budapest)
Time? 11am-7pm
Why? To support local designers and have fun!
Special focus on mommies and babies!

What is WAMP?

"WAMP was established in 2006 with the aim to bringing designers closer to public and to creating a common platform for unique, quality and available design objects. The monthly WAMP design fair has become one of the most important cultural and design forums in Budapest. In the summer Erzsébet square (former bus station) and in winter Gödör Klub hosts the event.

Jewelery, graphic design, textiles, ceramics, glassware, recycling objects as well as toy design objects are presented by designers and some galleries present their works on the fair. The special atmosphere of the fair was once a novelty in Budapest but became an awaited regular event after becoming generally known.

The aim of the initiative is to support and promote contemporary Hungarian design, as well as to enhance demand for design in everyday life."

I will be selling pillows and cards! If you are in Budapest come by and say hello! And keep your fingers crossed for good weather!

I must give a HUGE thank you to my friend Andi who will be helping me on Sunday.

Hope to see you there!

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