Friday, March 30, 2012

Mirko's masterpiece

This week I have been on a yoga mission.  3 classes to get myself back in the routine and for Andrea to push me into not being lazy in the poses.  Well, Wednesdays class started a bit late and her son Mirko came along.  He hurt his leg and wasn't able to go to school so he sat on the couch and watched us as we did sun salutations.  As they were getting ready to leave he started asking questions about my computer and wacom tablet.  Before I could even begin to explain he picked up the pen and started drawing in photoshop.  He knew exactly what to do!  This kids is not playing on an ipad everyday and to know how to select a color and draw in photoshop...I was shocked!

When I was a CAD trainer some of the new employees who had never used a wacom would struggle for that first hour.  Getting the eye to look at the screen while your hand is doing the drawing can be weird at first.  Mirko who is only 7, sat down and was instantly comfortable.  I had to snap a photo while he was in his element.  Could he be my first intern.....hmmm??

Thursday, March 29, 2012


So excited to finally pick up my LOKALwear samples!  They are amazing if I must say so myself.  The fabric is so soft and cozy.  And the printing and embroidery turned out better than I imagined.  Bruna and Panka have been great to work with and I am excited to see what we work on next!

psss....did you know that you can order online even if your in the states.

This is my favorite bird tee

I have to give LOKALwear a big applause for thinking of every little detail.  Bruna packaged up my samples with as much love as she would for a customer.  The brown paper band and the bag with ribbon... all these nice touches make it extra special.  And to top it all off the hangtag tells the story of where the inspiration came from.  So, you not only get a great soft, beautiful shirt but you get it made with love from owner - designer - embroider - sewer - printer - shipper:)  (Thats my sales pitch!)

 I have to tell you a secret - I saw the new accessory line while I was in the office - AMAZING!  Bruna tried to explain months ago her idea to me and I just didn't get it....I got it now and I will be placing an order as soon as it is available!  The earrings....truly unique and beautiful!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Tweet tangerine on Society6

The newest top selling print "Tweet" is now available in a top selling color "Tangerine"!
Enjoy!  And don't forget Socity6 is offering FREE international shipping thru Sunday!

Scroll down to see the Society6 newest product!
A special treat...Society6 now offers cards!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

a day at the museum

Last Friday I headed to the museum with my dear friend Fiona.  We went to the Museum of Ethnography in Budapest.  Specifically to see their current exhibition on rugs.  The below was taken from their website...
"The exhibition in the Museum of Ethnography, part of the Uplifting Century national series of programmes, presents rugs made in peasant households in the light of and together with the efforts made in the late 19th century to promote home industry. Throughout Europe measures were taken to promote home industry as a way of helping women to earn an income from their handwork and rise out of poverty (training workshops were set up, courses launched, weaving looms allocated, pattern sheets distributed, exhibitions and bazaars organised).

The exhibition shows the efforts for integration that were made throughout the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in its multiethnic richness: besides Romanian hand-woven rugs from Maramures, Serbian, Romanian, Croatian and Bulgarian rugs from the Banat and Vojvodina, there are also woven rugs 'festékes' of the Székelys from Transylvania and Bukovina, illustrating the great variety of these objects, their technical and functional similarities and differences. "

I love the old photos of people and their homes.  Notice the rugs are on the beds.
The exhibit was fantastic!  Below are a few photos.

My two favorite rugs from the exhibit.  The colors were amazing!

I had to take a photo of this very old "CAD" for my textile friends.  Check out the color chips at the bottom...not much has changed except we no longer do this by hand.
And my photos would not be complete without a few photos of the building-amazing.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Alabama Chanin

For many years I have had a passion to work with local artisans in creating a product that is unique and beautiful and that helps sustain local craft and people.  When I see people like Natalie Chanin doing exactly this, I get so excited.  My blood runs a little quicker through my veins and I think to myself...I need to do this.

Check out the website here.

Thanks to the Etsy blog for Posting.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

loving friends

Yesterday I spoke of loving friends here in Budapest.  Two of them did some traveling while I was in DC.  One went to Israel and the other went to Sweden.  They both brought back gifts for me.  They know me so well!

This is a sweet little dish that my friend Antoinette found in a little design shop in Israel.  Not sure where it was made but I love the colorful floral on the army green ground with the shiny inside.

My friend Evi went to Sweden and when she came across the Marimekko store she thought I might appreciate a catalogue.  She threw in a few other items to make a really cute gift bag.
It meant so much to me that I was thought of on their travels.  Thanks you two.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

loving friends and a really exciting project

I am back!  Back to blogging, back to Budapest, back to normal I suppose.  The past few weeks have a been a bit of a blur.  I was in DC for 2 months living in a extended stay hotel while my hubby went through training for a new job.  I had a pretty good setup actually.  A huge desk, reliable internet and a view of the capital.  Not too shabby.  And I got to explore the museums and restaurants of DC with my best friend.

Two weeks ago, I got on one plane and he got on another.  I came back to Budapest and he headed to Afghanistan.  It was a sad goodbye but I feel fortunate to be back in our home surrounded by loving friends, a beautiful city, and some really exciting projects...

I just finished designing 2 pillows for Parna.  I met Kath from Parna a few years ago when I moved to Budapest.  A mutual friend thought we should meet since we both had a passion for Hungarian folk art. It wasn't until a few months ago when Kath called me and asked if I would be interested in doing some design work for her.  I wish I could share the designs but you will have to wait.  I will say, that I am very proud of them.  They are a perfect combination of folk with a touch of Diane:)  And it has been great fun to work with someone who is as passionate (if not more so) about Hungarian folk design.

Today when Kath and I met to wrap up some details, she gave me this sweet pencil case.  It is made in Hungary using a traditional technique; a pattern is first drawn on what will be the top layer of felt, the piece of felt is sewn onto the base following the pattern.  The top layer is then cut around the sewn lines revealing the bottom layer.  Kath sells pillow that use this same technique.  Click here to see the pillows.

Friday, March 9, 2012

new additions to look love send

Good news - new additions to Look Love Send.  This time a few birthday party invitations and another new baby announcement!

On a personal note....I arrived back in Budapest 2 days ago.  Feels good to be back.  A little strange but good.

Friday, March 2, 2012

look love send: baby announcements

Check out my new Look Love Send baby announcements!  I have more designs coming so keep checking back.

sweet pea