Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Finnish Design: Reinterpreting Nature

Two weeks ago was Budapest Design Week. The Iparművészeti Műzeum (Museum of Applied Arts) had a Finnish design exhibit called "Reinterpreting Nature".
"The importance of dialogue with nature is an approach determinative of the entire Finnish design history. The exhibition organised with the participation of Design Forum Finland shows how designers are inspired by geological and biological formations and how they conceive the beauty of the ever changing environment in the language of objects. The 60 pieces of the exhibition are from some of the bests and examine the possible links between design and nature through technological achievements, as well as the application of traditional materials and processes."
-taken from
The exhibit was fantastic! Just see for yourself. I took some photos that can be seen below. Look at what they are made of!

Ritva Puotila
(Interior Textile) Woodnotes 2007

Knitted by hand from paper yarn and copper thread.

Janne Kyttänen
(Lamp) Freedom of Creation 2006

Close to nature form which echoes the leaves of a plant.
Soili Arha
linden, copper and iron wire
This is made of leaves!!!
Janna Syvänoja
(birch bark!) Sunrise, Sunset 2004

"Nature gave me the theme and material and
dyed it.
This will also go back to nature."
Maria Jauhiainen: Body Jewelery 2009
Well...what do you think? Are you impressed?

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