Thursday, October 29, 2009

fall inspiration

Since we moved a year ago I have been so bad about exercise. I promised myself that starting yesterday I would walk or do yoga for one hour every day-it is necessary for my creative spirit! It is not much to ask but why is it so hard to stick to? Those of you who knew me in Seattle know that everyday at noon-you would see me in the elevator at work with my yoga mat under my arm. It was my religion! Why is it so hard then to keep it up now? Well, I have the good intentions to turn it into a daily habit again.

Yesterday was a perfect day to this new ritual! The weather was absolutely beautiful! Cool breeze, warm sun and the sound of leaves crunching as I walked to the park. I put my camera into my pocket and snapped a few photos along the way. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this time of year, the colors, the smells. God gives us all this beauty and free will too. I struggle with the exercise too! :)