Wednesday, July 20, 2011

a trip to Sümegpraga

We took a mini vacation to the Sümegpraga on Sunday. We got back last night. What an amazing 3 days full of surprises....

Fresh peaches outside the front door of the summer house we stayed sweet and tasty!
The summer house.
I even found a few patterns around the house that inspired me. My friend Evi just laughed as these are true vintage.

We went to "Béke Sztupa" (a Buddhist meditation center) - the largest in Europe. I had no idea this was in Hungary! The road up was bumpy and mysterious. Nothing but forest surrounded us. And then we saw this...
We spent two days swimming and reading at Lake Balaton.
A storm came on the 2nd day and gave us two rainbows and some amazing clouds!


Anonymous said...

Another uncomplicated,but beautiful part of our amazing world.See the inspiration.

grandma J. said...

Great photography! So beautiful. You find inspiration in the countryside and city (architecture). Great talent!