Friday, July 29, 2011


Next week is PRINTSOURCE! I am happy to have worked with Group Four Design Studio for 2 years now! They will have a TON of work for sale so be sure to stop by take a peak.

Actually, I just reached a personal goal of creating 500 pieces of art for Group Four! The past 2 years have been productive. I thoroughly enjoy working with Michael. He is constantly pushing me as an artist to try different styles, strengthen my color stories and think outside the box. It is a great partnership. Thanks Michael for all your support and encouragement!

All the black and white paintings I have been posting over the past two years are just the "sketches" that eventually get scanned into my computer and reworked, colored up and sent to Group Four. I have kept all those paintings and am thinking it may be time to revisit some of them and finish them a real paintings....I will keep you posted.

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