Sunday, September 12, 2010

Antoinette's Garden

This weekend I started on a commissioned silk painting, Antoinette's Garden. Click here to see sketches of the design. It has been a long time since I have painted. It felt good to mix color, get dirty with paint. I love having paint stains on my hands:) There is a video at the bottom of the post where I explain what I am doing. Enjoy.

I thought I might try uploading videos. What do you think? Should I continue with the video blog?


Metallo Bianco Jewelry said...

Awesome! I love the video and can't wait to see the finished piece! Have a great week.

Diane Kappa said...

Thanks! I think I will keep the videos coming. happy creating!

DaveL said...

Wow! This looks very, very familiar... is this what you brought over earlier today? Very impressive!

Diane Kappa said...

It is what I brought over. I got a lot done this weekend. By the time you return in Nov, the 3 pieces will be in your house waiting to be hung:)