I have designed 8 cards. I want to sell packs of 8 (4 designs/2 of each design). I will sell these on Etsy as well as local craft shows in Budapest. So, below are photos of the designs. Comment and let me know your thoughts on the designs, the colors, any advice is appreciated. And remember, everyone has an opinion and everyone is a consumer.

...now time to start on x-mas cards....
Diane - I love your designs they are very intricate! I feel that C & H dont' ..."fit in" not sure if that is the right word..with the other 3 designs. The others are crisp and sophisticated?!?! Love the colors too. Best of luck to you - Nancy Vance
Hi Diane,
These look so great!!!! Love them and I love the 2 color stories. The only thing is that I don't like the pink/orange flowers in "H" (not sure if that's a mistake?) I can see what Nancy is saying about C&H since they are more cute and not as intricate....hmmm...they do offer some type of relief though to break up the intricate patterns... I can't wait to see what you do! I'm so excited for you to be selling them on Etsy!!! YAY!! -Josephine
Perhaps if B from the pink combo was used in place of H in the blue combo? And if C&H were shrunken down a little bit more, like 20% smaller? Again, I still think they are cute and offer something different for customers : )
Great to read about C and H.
I was afraid to be the one who picks out 1 from the 4 : )
I would have picked D and G : ) They look too detailed for me among the other flowery ones.
I like the little orange in the H. For me it would be boring without.
Will you make a mixed package too? Or two mixed package? In this way I would put together H+ C + E+ A.
Ed said he doesn' like D among the others : ))) And he hasn't read my comment before. I swear. Hm. from the second 4 he would have taken out H.
Hopefully you got confused by now :))))
I LOVE D&H. Love them. D because it is so detailed and H because I love the contrast-color floral "brooch" towards the top. Awesome work, Diane! P.S. We are recycling one of your old prints for BP. Sweet.
Hi Diane:
I love them all. I'm guessing the shipping with these will be easier than with pillows?
Diane - I love all your designs. It is very hard to choose. How about A-B-D-E-F? Love the colors. Looking forward to the Christmas designs.
Best of luck to you - Bea J.
WOW! Ok, lots of comments and it looks like C,D and H are the most liked or disliked...interesting to have such opposite feedback from people.
I love the idea of reducing C & H 20% smaller. I am going to play around with this.
Thank you to everyone who commented! I will be heading to the printer on Wednesday and will post photos of the finsihed stuff early next week.
have a good week!
I think you should go with the blue cards. Blue is perfect for winter. It reminds me of ice. F is my favorite one. The others are great, but I REALLY think F should be thrown into the mix.
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