Enjoy the photos. I would love feedback!
Step 1
Silk is stretched and the resist is drawn onto the silk.
Can you see the faint white line of the design?
Can you see the faint white line of the design?
Start painting! I would usually paint the background
last, but I am not committed to the rest of the colors yet.
I wanted to do a different color for the
background but could not decide so I started with
what I am comfortable with-dark chocolate.
last, but I am not committed to the rest of the colors yet.
I wanted to do a different color for the
background but could not decide so I started with
what I am comfortable with-dark chocolate.

I don't like the way the gutta lines are thicker than usual.
I used the same resist I used in the states
but it seems a bit runny. I don't know if it is a bad bottle??
I bought some different resist that I am playing
with that is a little thicker and I really like
the way it draws. The next painting I will pay with the line weight.

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