Pike Place Market
I have been in Seattle for 2 weeks now. It has been a surreal trip. Strange to think it has been over three years since we left! We have been catching up friends, visiting some of our old stomping grounds and being tourists in areas that have changed over the years. To make it even more surreal I am working with my old employer creating artwork and lending a hand with overflow work. And on Tuesday I met with a client that I have been working with for over three years that I have never met face to face-tonight I head to their company Christmas party. I guess you can say this trip has been more productive than I anticipated:) There have been so many new exciting opportunities that have shown themselves since I have been in Seattle that I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. I really need a day to soak it all up and plan out 2012. Hopefully I will get a bit of break at Christmas when we head to the mountains for 4 days! (I can not tell you how excited I am to be in snow and surrounded by nature!)
I was hoping to see "the mountain" when I was here. We have had so many clear days it is shocking! My husband took the photos below while on his way to a meeting in the morning. Beautiful.
I was working from a friends house a few days ago and this was my view at around 5:00pm.
Enjoy your day!
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