Wednesday, July 7, 2010

this weeks paintings

Lately when I get creatively stuck, I pull out the paints and start "sketching" with a brush. My only intention is to use a different tool to "sketch" some ideas. There is no pressure to make a masterpiece. For me, changing from a pencil to a paintbrush helps me relax, clear my mind and not erase! Ideas start flowing...some good, some not so good.

Below are this weeks paintings. As I finish them up on the computer I will post before and after shots.

My gut says the one below is going to turn
out very nice once I add a bit of color.
A big break is coming to me...tomorrow! I head for Beaucaire, France. My dear friend Toni has invited me to come visit her. I am very much looking forward to relaxing and hanging out with my friend, drinking some rosé and trying some yummy french cheeses. I anticipate some new inspiration as well! I will be bringing my sketch book (and camera) and will post my photos and sketches when I return. So, see you back here on July 19! A bientôt!

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