Tuesday, October 8, 2013

playing with paint

The saying goes 'We are only as good as our last idea.' In our fast paced and trend directed design world, it demands we are constantly learning and pushing ourselves. I thrive in this environment but time is alway my enemy.

Last month I fit in two painting classes that couldn't be more different from one another. I am scheduled to take a calligraphy class this month. It is not to say I will master each new technique. It does keep my creative heart and mind engaged though!

I mentioned Mati Rose's six-week painting course, "Daring Adventures in Paint,"where I am experiementing with acrylics and collage. I also tried my hand at botanical illustration taught by a wonderful teacher and artist, Kathleen McKeehan. It was a short class so I didn't produce much to show you. This meticulous and time-comsuming watercolor technique was like meditation for me...like doing yoga.  Below are some of Kathleen's amazing watercolors.

How are you learning and expanding?  What advice do you have for staying creatively engaged?

Below is the beginning of my painting.  I know it doesn't look like much but botanical drawing is all about studying details and trying to replicate what nature has created. 
It is a very long process of patience and paint.

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