Thursday, March 26, 2009

Silk, Shows & Stores

After my last entry about the silk prices in Budapest, my inbox was flooded with emails from friends and family asking what I needed them to send. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I am actually anxious to start working with oils and to set the silk aside for right now. I think this is a time to experiment and try something new. I have been busy all week getting artwork to a rep in New York and preparing for two local shows so I haven't had a time to paint. But I hope to start this weekend.

The first show is tomorrow at the North American Womens Association's (NAWA) general meeting. Each month NAWA has a guest speaker. They always have a few vendors who are related to the theme of the speaker. Tomorrow, Hungarian sculptor Janos Kalmar is going to share his insights on the creative process and the life of an artist. And, in keeping with the celebration of artistic talent and creativity, NAWA is offering their members the opportunity to exhibit their creations at the meeting. I am a little nervous about showing for the first time here in Budapest. My colors and style are very different from what I see around me. I hope I get a good response!

The next show is on Sunday. The American International School is having their annual International Festival. I don't know what to expect but I hear that many people attend this festival and that it is allot of fun! If you are in Budapest, I hope to see you at one of the events!

Here is a photo of some of the items I will be selling.
Can you tell I have spring fever! Look at how bright the colors are!
On a different note, I spoke with my very good friend Josephine earlier this week. She let me now that two of my prints are on the Nordstrom website. Click here and here to check them out on the website!
Susina Toe Front DressTildon Lightweight print Scarf

Well, I have some last minute preparations to attend to. I will post photos from the events next Thursday! Have a great weekend!

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